A new drug-free approach to treating pain that addresses the underlying cause by regenerating damaged tissue and nerves
In today’s world of increasing pollution, stressed lives and poor nourishment how do we build our immune systems? This question affects us all as individuals, as families and as communities. Discover how coMra therapy can encourage greater self-reliance as part of a holistically healthy lifestyle.
If you are struggling with health conditions or chronic pain and looking for a proven and cost-effective method, then this e-book is for you.
Discover the ins and outs of this revolutionary treatment supported by scientific research and illustrated with real-life examples.
Please enter your details to download the e-book now:
coMra therapy has been helping thousands of pain sufferers around the world for many years.
This therapy uses the combined radiant properties of laser, colour, magnetism and ultrasound to provide an effective drug-free pain treatment, stimulating cellular regeneration and repairing damaged tissue.
The e-book covers:
- What causes pain
- Approaches to treating pain
- Examples of different conditions that can be treated
- Background to Low-Level Laser in pain treatment
- How combining the radiances is more effective
- The science of coMra
- Real-life experiences
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