Are you interested in coMra therapy? We’ve put together a selection of videos that show the how and why of coMra therapy.
Click here to watch Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD on coMra therapy.
About Us – Radiant Life Technologies
In 1995 a group of like-minded individuals began coming together to find ways to help people to help themselves. Consequently, in July 2009 we founded Radiant Life Technologies, which is now a growing international business. Our approach has been to pool our own financial, entrepreneurial and technical resources to promote the empowerment of the individual through the medium of holistic self-sufficiency.
The dividends earned by Radiant Life Technologies are reinvested in ongoing research work to develop further cutting-edge technologies. These technologies will benefit men and women in claiming their power by becoming ever more holistic in the development of sustainable self-sufficiency.
Wondering which coMra device is best suited for your needs
Let’s get into the details of how to choose a coMra device in order to meet your needs. The lasers in the coMra devices come in two types 980nm and 905nm. Why is that? How the different lasers are supporting the healing process? You will find the answers in the video above.
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coMra Journey | a personal way to well-being
7 coMra journeys – each one is unique. There is something that unites them all.
Each journey is unique, each person has own background and reasons to have coMra therapy in their life. But when they share about their journeys far, we start to feel something that unites them all. We may call it belief in their own strength, optimism, or hope, or we may define it as vitality. What we do know, is that every person would find something of value on their coMra journey.
How I Have Integrated coMra Therapy in my Practice as a Professional
In this very interesting video, Lola shares how she integrated coMra laser therapy in her practice as a physiotherapist and why she encourages her patients to eventually have their own coMra device. She describes in detail how she introduces the idea of participating in their own treatment, and how she is helping them help themselves. With coMra Lola encourages her patient to take an active part in their own healing process by having the power and responsibility for their health back.
Find more info about coMra therapy and how to contact us.
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More articles to read about coMra therapy.
A drug-free approach to treating pain with laser that addresses the underlying cause
Doctors using coMra laser therapy are reporting good success in treating a wide range of conditions including acute and chronic pain. Low-level laser therapy for pain is backed up by many scientific studies over the years and has led to combining laser with ultrasound, LED light and magnetism for a highly effective treatment called coMra therapy.
Sportspeople use coMra Laser Therapy to Enhance Sports Performance and Recovery
In this webinar with former pro-athlete and coach Alexander Hevia we explore the opportunities to drive high levels of fitness using coMra therapy. Alexander explains how the body’s processes work to build strength and fitness and how coMra increases functional energy reserve, to shorten recovery times and build fitness levels more efficiently.
coMra Therapy as an Effective Treatment for Stroke Patients
Our colleagues in Russia recently held a conference on Strokes as coMra therapy has been shown to be a very effective treatment. This summary goes through the basics of Stroke and explains how coMra works to help restore function after a Stroke.
MS and coMra – Cheryl’s story
Watch the inspiring story of Cheryl Terblanche, a Multiple Sclerosis sufferer for the past 20 years who has had significant results using coMra laser therapy. Cheryl describes the debilitating effects of MS, and how within a few months of using coMra her symptoms were significantly relieved. She now works a full day and is able to garden, where previously she could not walk properly or bend. If you feel heartened by this story and feel you or someone you know could benefit from coMra feel free to get in touch.
CoMra for Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture originated in China and is today widely practiced all over the world. The use of laser light as a safe alternative to needles is growing. coMra therapy brings an added dimension to this and has become an invaluable tool for many practitioners. Dr Pierre Theron is an Integrative Medicine Doctor who uses coMra in combination with Acupuncture very effectively, and describes how good it is, especially for children and people who don’t like needles.
How coMra therapy helps pregnant women and newborn babies
Pregnancy comes with many challenges, and coMra therapy has been shown to help with so many aspects of pregnancy, breastfeeding and newborn baby health. Natasha Stadler is a midwife in Cape Town with 30 years of experience and she describes the benefits that her clients have received from coMra. Watch this clip for details on treating breastfeeding challenges, healing suture lines and treating colicky babies.
Treating work-related injuries with coMra laser therapy
Dr Karen Combs is a naturopath who also has a family metalworking business. Karen shares her stories of treating workers’ injuries which have at times been debilitating, with remarkable success. coMra combines low-level laser technology, colour LEDs, magnetism and low-intensity ultrasound to provide non-invasive treatment for pain and a variety of other conditions.
Treating depression without drugs using coMra therapy
For many people suffering from chronic depression the side-effects of the medication become unbearable, or sometimes the medication just stops working. Maria Isaza found she could turn to coMra laser therapy for a solution. She started seeing improvements after 3 months and was able to come off her medication after the first year of treatment.
Treating pain, headaches, joint conditions and lower back pain with coMra laser therapy
Dr Lee Cowden is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Academy of Comprehensive Integrated Medicine. He describes how just a single coMra treatment often results in marked recovery from pain related conditions.
coMra Medical Case Study: Treating headaches and loss of visual field due to a stroke
In this case study submitted by Dr. Larry Wallace, a patient was suffering from headaches and visual field loss after having a stroke. Dr Wallace used a series of 12 5 minute weekly treatments to the area of the head where the stroke occurred. The patient reported a substantial improvement with the visual field completely restored and headaches much less frequent and intense. This video explains how the coMra laser treatments actually energise the cells to promote healing in the affected areas of the brain.
coMra Medical Case Study: Brain injury following car accident
Laser therapy has been shown to have significant results with neurological conditions and brain injury. In this case study coMra laser therapy was used by Dr. Larry Wallace to treat a woman with a brain injury following a car accident. The patient was suffering from loss of visual field, light photophobia, extreme fatigue, chronic headaches and other visual problems. coMra was used for 13 treatments over 7 weeks and resulted in an almost complete restoration of the visual field and 100% improvement in the headaches as well as significant improvement to the other visual conditions.
Patients share their healing journeys with coMra laser therapy
You may be one of many people looking for a solution for a hard-to-treat health condition. In this video, people share their journeys through a range of diverse health problems and describe how coMra laser therapy was able to help them.
Unwrapping the coMra Palm – what’s in the box?
If you’re considering purchasing a coMra Palm to treat pain or any condition that is indicated for laser therapy – you’ll be interested to know what’s in the box. Watch this unboxing video for a closer look at the coMra Palm and how it works.
coMra in family life – success with hard-to-treat conditions
When her 4-year old daughter came down with severe Herpes on her lower lip and chin, Meret tried everything – from traditional treatments such as Zovirax through to a number of alternate treatments and nothing seemed to work. However, when she tried coMra with daily treatments for a week, the skin condition cleared up. Meret has since used coMra to treat a Thyroid problem as well as chronic headaches.
coMra therapy – endorsed by doctors and trusted by thousands of people to treat pain and much more
coMra therapy uses the combined radiant properties of laser, colour, magnetism and ultrasound (in the Delta), to provide an effective drug-free treatment for pain and so much more, stimulating cellular regeneration and repairing damaged tissue. Endorsed by medical professionals worldwide, coMra offers cost-effective healing for pain and many other chronic conditions, often producing excellent results where other options have failed. Watch this video to see why doctors are using coMra and see how coMra helped a Multiple Sclerosis sufferer when other approaches had failed her.
coMra therapy – more than laser therapy
While laser is the central component to coMra therapy, it actually combines magnetism, ultrasound and colour to improve the effectiveness of the laser. Radiant Life Technologies’ Dr Arzhan Surazakov explains how the laser works, and how the combined radiances work together to provide a unique therapy that works at a fundamental level to promote healing in the body.
Effective drug free pain treatment
Are you struggling with Chronic Pain? Tired of expensive drug treatments?
Download this e-book to find out about this powerful new approach to treating pain and so much more.