Neuropathy is a condition associated with significant psychological distress, physical disability and reduced overall quality of life. coMra therapy is able to effectively and gently treat the symptoms of neuropathy as well as any underlying conditions.

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Peripheral Neuropathy occurs when nerves that carry messages between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body are damaged or diseased. Causes of neuropathy can include diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune conditions, kidney failure, chronic alcoholism, infections or injuries, exposure to toxins and sometimes after surgery or medications. Sometimes there is no identifiable cause (known as idiopathic neuropathy) and in these cases neuropathic pain can be linked to post-traumatic disorders, chronic stress or depression.1

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy

Common symptoms include pain or weakness in the muscles, numbness in the feet or arms, burning pain, sensitivity to touch, lack of coordination, inability to move, cramping or pain when walking, heat intolerance, digestive problems, difficulty sleeping and discomfort during the night, sharp electric pain, tickling feeling and even loss of balance and swelling.2

Nerve tissue is difficult to heal and the recovery process of regeneration can take a long time. Painkillers are often used to manage pain, but these can also mask the inflammation and possible infection in the body and do not address the underlying causes.

Using coMra laser therapy provides many healing benefits, primarily in that it actually aids in the protection and restoration of nerves (as shown in laboratory studies)3, as well as by addressing the underlying causes or factors that have brought about the neuropathic symptoms. The power of coMra therapy is in the coherent action of low-level laser, magnets, ultrasound and light diodes in supporting the regenerative process of the damaged neurons. By stimulating this natural self-repair process in the cells, coMra therapy provides very effective but non-invasive treatment of peripheral neuropathy.

Read our coMra 101 blog and How it Works: coMra therapy blog for more on how it works.


nervousThere are several treatments in the coMra User Guide that can be applied to address the symptoms of Neuropathy.

  • Universal Treatments 5 and 7 – Nervous System: You can begin by supporting the nervous system with these two Universal Treatments which will aid in the recovery process. (Read more detail about these treatments here.)
  • Universal 3 – Blood: This is an essential component in any Neuropathy treatment as it irradiates the entire blood system and enables the blood to flush waste and toxins more easily and carry essential nutrients throughout the body. It strengthens blood vessels and increases the production of red blood cells. (Read more detail about this treatment here.)
  • Neurology 11: This treatment may be applied in addition to Universal 3 to improve the local blood flow in the legs and arms.
  • Surgery 3: This treatment can be applied locally to relevant affected areas on the body.
  • Surgery 7: This treatment stimulates blood flow from the heart to the arteries and the feet.
  • Traumatology 8: For localised pain in the hands
  • Traumatology 12: For localised pain in the feet
  • In addition, it is necessary to treat the specific conditions underlying, or linked to the neuropathy. For example, this may be diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or autoimmune conditions and thus you would apply the appropriate treatments for these, as found in the User Guide. (Further articles will cover these underlying conditions.)
    • For example, in the case of diabetes, the Endocrinology 1 treatment would be applied to aid in normalising blood sugar levels


It is important to approach your health in a holistic way, and this includes paying attention to diet, lifestyle and your emotional and mental states. The body functions as an intelligent and integrated system which is able to fully maintain its own balance – given the right conditions and support.

Therefore, it is important to incorporate positive changes to your diet and lifestyle. This can include massage and gentle, restorative exercise. The tightness of the muscles will cause even more pain, and thus slow and gentle movement every day will assist.

Your nutritional intake is also key to recovery and health. If your body lacks the necessary micronutrients for recovery, you may want to include supplements in your diet that accelerate nerve regeneration such as magnesium, chrome, zinc, etc. Eating plenty of  fresh fruit and vegetables will help combat harmful free radicals.4

meditationAnother component of your journey to better health is to reflect on your emotions, and your mental state and to manage stress. High levels of cortisol affect the ability of your body to reduce inflammation. Meditation and relaxation practices not only aid in greater internal balance but also decrease the cortisol levels in your body which leads to a better hormonal balance.5

Peripheral neuropathy can be reversed with patience, responsibility and conviction that to be pain-free is your natural state.
An important thing to note is that coMra laser treatments need to be applied over time, with ‘breaks’ in between treatment cycles. An excerpt from the coMra Therapy eBook explains this well:

“In situations of chronic pain and significant injury, the initial pain relief after coMra therapy can sometimes last only a few hours and then the pain can return. We believe that this should not be confused with the short-lasting effects of analgesic drugs. coMra treatments should be continued in these cases for weeks, months and even years, where there has been severe damage to the nervous system until ultrastructural damage to cells is restored enough for energy metabolism to become self-sufficient.”6


There may be one of several health conditions underlying neuropathic pain. There are specific coMra treatment protocols for each of these conditions which will soothe the symptoms and will work on the root cause of the disease itself. These conditions include:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and trigeminal neuralgia
  • Inflammation and infection
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Idiopathic neuropathy
  • Vitamin + nutritional deficiency

To find out more about these specific treatment protocols, please download our eBook on Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with coMra Therapy.