
CoMra Therapy for Allergies

2023-10-19T06:19:03+00:00Health Conditions|

If you’re among the estimated 40% of South Africans1 struggling with hay fever this spring, you can use your coMra device to quickly and easily relieve your symptoms at home.

coMra Therapy for Treating COVID-19

2023-10-19T06:19:01+00:00Health Conditions|

Globally, COVID-19 is still very much a pressing concern. A recent journal article, co-authored by Dr Arzhan Surazakov1, looks at the role biophysical radiances can play in the treatment of COVID-19 and its long-term effects on the body.

New Study Shows the role of coMra Laser Therapy in Fighting COVID-19

2023-08-18T14:58:17+00:00coMra News and Updates|

The Head of Research and Development at Radiant Life Technologies, together with a Professor of Microbiology and Virology and a doctor specialising in laser therapy recently published a paper that suggests that this immune exhaustion is caused by an energy deficit in immune cells as a result of the body not having sufficient functional energy reserves to support the rapid rise of immune related energy expenditure.

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