Health Conditions

coMra’s Trigeminal Neuralgia Webinar

2023-10-19T06:19:05+00:00Health Conditions|

An upcoming coMra webinar on November 1st will discuss how coMra can be used to treat and manage trigeminal neuralgia. Join us for valuable insights into treating pain and regenerating nerve cells, facilitated by medical experts with extensive coMra experience.

Boost Your Circulation with coMra this Winter

2023-10-19T06:19:05+00:00Health Conditions|

Poor circulation is bad for your heart and dangerous to your overall health. During the coldest time of the year, it’s especially important to look after your circulatory system. This is one of many reasons that your coMra device is such an invaluable ally for winter health and wellness.

CoMra Therapy for Allergies

2023-10-19T06:19:03+00:00Health Conditions|

If you’re among the estimated 40% of South Africans1 struggling with hay fever this spring, you can use your coMra device to quickly and easily relieve your symptoms at home.

Supporting Mental Health with CoMra Therapy

2023-10-19T06:19:03+00:00Health Conditions|

Did you know that one in six South Africans lives with anxiety and/or depression?1 coMra therapy provides balancing mental health support to alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. In this article, we take you through the exact treatments coMra offers for anxiety and depression.

CoMra Therapy for Asthma

2023-10-19T06:19:03+00:00Health Conditions|

Asthma is the most common chronic illness among South African children and the country is ranked 25th in the world for asthma prevalence.1 Now a powerful treatment is available to help children and adults to cope with the symptoms of asthma.

coMra Therapy for Treating COVID-19

2023-10-19T06:19:01+00:00Health Conditions|

Globally, COVID-19 is still very much a pressing concern. A recent journal article, co-authored by Dr Arzhan Surazakov1, looks at the role biophysical radiances can play in the treatment of COVID-19 and its long-term effects on the body.

Treating Diabetes and Neuropathy with coMra Therapy

2023-10-19T06:19:00+00:00Health Conditions|

Diabetic neuropathy and other diabetic symptoms can be debilitating to those suffering with the condition. coMra therapy provides several treatment protocols that effectively manage many diabetic symptoms as well as restoring key functioning to affected systems of the body.

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