If you’re struggling with pain or swelling in your muscles, joints, tendons or bones, the coMra Traumatology section includes some highly effective treatments to help relieve your symptoms.

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Low-level laser therapy treatments like coMra are well-known for their ability to ease pain and inflammation.1,2 If you’re struggling with pain or swelling in your muscles, joints, tendons or bones, the coMra Traumatology section includes some highly effective treatments to help relieve your symptoms.

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy


Low level laser therapy (LLLT) uses a process called photobiomodulation.3 It works on the tissues of your body to trigger certain biological responses that improve cellular metabolism and a reduce pain and inflammation.3 It’s a non-invasive therapy that’s easy to use at home, and an added advantage is it doesn’t have the side-effects that come with many analgesic or anti-inflammatory medications.

coMra Traumatology modules are suitable for a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and problems, including:

  • Spinal conditions
  • Arthritis and joint pain (including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle joints)
  • Muscle and joint injuries
  • Sprains
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Gout
  • Dislocated shoulder
  • Dislocated jaw
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Traumatic bone fractures

Find out how one of the directors of Radiant Life Technologies treated his own bone fracture using coMra here.


comra testimonialsThe testimonials below show how coMra therapy can assist with a broad range of health complaints from acute injuries to chronic conditions.

– “I have arthritis of the hands and it pains me in more ways than one as I love to play the piano. I wasn’t able to play due to the pain and stiffness of my hands and fingers. Ever since my son introduced me to the Delta Laser, I decided to use it to alleviate my discomfort. I began with Traumatology 8 back in December, 2010. My hands are feeling much better now. The pain in my hands and fingers is gone and I have much better movement.” – from a coMra user in Medellín, Colombia

– “Chronic musculoskeletal problems are prevalent among professional footballers and the treatment is difficult, often without significant results. In June 2011 I applied coMra therapy to eight professional footballers with a variety of recurrent musculoskeletal problems, for the duration of 14 days. For all athletes, I noticed a significant improvement in their condition and reduction or complete disappearance of the symptoms of their chronic problems.” – from a health professional in the Czech Republic

– “About two months ago I noticed my large toe was enlarged and hurting. I tried icing it, working on the calluses, being sure to wear comfortable shoes when I went walking etc., basically I just put up with the hurt. I used the Delta and now have JOY and RELIEF! No more pain or soreness.” – from Denise in Canada

– “I also suffer badly with bursitis of the hip. Have had 2 treatments with a professional doctor using the Delta machine and top-up at home with my recently purchased Palm device. It has all significantly reduced my inflammation.” – from Carol in South Africa

– “During summer vacation, my body temperature suddenly increased and I felt an unbearable pain in the area of the left hip. Doctors diagnosed me with Staphylococcus aureus in the blood and inflammation of the hip joint.

A week of hospitalisation followed, relieving the joint and applying an antibiotic treatment, which removed the Staphylococcus from the blood. Approximately 14 days after the onset of symptoms, I began applying the Delta Laser every day (using a program for vitality and relieving the inflammation of the hip joint).

After three weeks of treatment my hip joint range restored to 90% and hip pain subsided. It allowed me to avoid taking medications to control the pain and energy kept restoring throughout my whole body. My personal experience with the Delta Laser is currently the most positive and most intense of all the resources that I had the opportunity to use for rehabilitation and regeneration during my professional athletic career.” – Štěpán Janáček, Czech Olympic pole vaulter

Find out more about coMra Traumatology and other treatments in our latest User Guide, available for download now.


1 Cotler HB, Chow RT, Hamblin MR, et al. The use of low level laser therapy (LLLT) for musculoskeletal pain. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2015; 2(5): 00068. doi: 10.15406/mojor.2015.02.000682 Stausholm MB, Naterstad IF, Joenson J, et al. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy on pain and disability in knee osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials. BMJ Journals 3 Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation or low-level laser therapy. J Biophotonics. 2016 Dec; 9(11-12): 1122–1124. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201670113