Sciatic nerve pain can be debilitating, but more and more patients around the globe are finding relief with the use of low-level laser therapy devices such as coMra.

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Sciatica is a condition caused by damage to the sciatic nerve, a large branching nerve that runs from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down your legs.1 The condition usually affects one side of the body, causing pain, tingling, numbness and/or muscle weakness down the affected side.1

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy

An accident or injury can damage your sciatic nerve, but ageing and prolonged sitting (for example, at your desk) are also risk factors for developing sciatica.1

Sciatica can be debilitating, but more and more patients from all around the world are finding relief with the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT).2 coMra’s LLLT treatment speeds up the regeneration of injured nerve tissue, activating the body’s own natural healing abilities to restore balance and wellness.


NEUROLOGY 2 is a protocol that targets the nervous system to treat sciatica. The 22-minute treatment targets key points on the affected side of the body. Use this protocol twice daily for 15 days. Then allow 3 weeks rest and apply the TRAUMATOLOGY 17 protocol.

TRAUMATOLOGY 17 treats spinal conditions, including those that cause lower back pain. The 26-minute routine targets the coccyx and vertebral column. Use it twice daily until you notice an improvement, and then use once daily for a further 2 weeks.

See the coMra User Guide for full instructions.


A growing number of healthcare practitioners are successfully incorporating coMra into their treatments. Dr Julienne Fenwick (MBChB, Stell.) is an integrative medicine practitioner who has seen these results for herself.

A patient experiencing severe sciatica noticed a marked improvement just a few weeks after starting treatment with coMra in combination with natural supplements and self-massage.

“On the fourth visit, the patient danced into my practice rooms only to tell me that she was completely symptom-free and was so grateful to have her life back to normal.” – Dr Fenwick

Read the full sciatica success story here.


Treating Sciatica with coMra-2Angie, a coMra user based in South Africa, says:

“I have been using the coMra Palm since the beginning of September 2020 to manage the latter stages of the autoimmune condition HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa), I also experience a lot of pain from chronic arthritis in my left hip which translates to terrible sciatica… the coMra Palm has made a radically noticeable difference in being able not only to control pain and inflammation but to reduce the amount of flares that I am experiencing.

I am using it daily for sciatic pain and have also cleared a chronic infection in my jaw within 24 hours of treatment. I honestly believe that every home should have a coMra palm for a self-empowered response to all health issues.

I am very grateful for the coMra technology which I feel is an investment not only in good health but is also a non-invasive and easy to use way to treat any problems as they arise!

Read Angie’s full testimonial (and many more) here.

NOTE: coMra is a powerful modality. The uses described above are those recommended by the coMra User Guide. Experience over 10 years has shown that in the case of most chronic conditions, treatments can also be spread out to once or twice per week, without taking the breaks outlined in the guide.


1 Sciatica – symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic.2 Mashhoudi Barez M, Tajziehchi M, Heidari MH, et al. Stimulation effect of low-level laser therapy on sciatic nerve regeneration in rat. J Lasers Med Sci. 2017 Summer;8(Suppl 1):S32-S37.