Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a major risk factor for stroke, heart disease and kidney disease, but can be managed by making lifestyle changes and harnessing the excellent medical support offered by coMra devices.

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Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a major health concern for many South Africans. Research shows that around 45% of men and 48% of women older than 15 years have hypertension, and prevalence is rising.1,2

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Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, heart disease and kidney disease.2,3 By making positive lifestyle changes and harnessing the excellent medical support offered by coMra devices, South Africans can effectively treat high blood pressure and improve overall cardiac and circulatory health.


CARDIOLOGY 3 is a protocol indicated for high blood pressure, arterial hypertension, and eye aches caused by hypertension or migraine. This is a 23-minute protocol to be used once a day for 15 days. The treatment targets important points on the head, carotid arteries, upper vertebra and kidneys.4

UNIVERSAL 2 (HEART) supports healthy cardiac function. The protocol helps to treat a wide variety of cardiological complaints, including hypertension, poor coronary blood flow, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, tachycardia and weakness of the heart.4

Using the UNIVERSAL 2 protocol correctly and regularly will improve blood flow to the heart, and can even promote the growth of additional blood vessels to the heart, allowing it to function without additional strain.4

UNIVERSAL 2 also helps to strengthen immunity, lower bad cholesterol and assist with recovery from emotional stress.4

Find full protocol instructions in the latest coMra User Guide.


There are changes you can make in your day-to-day life to reduce and manage high blood pressure.

Get your blood pressure checked:5

  • People aged 18 and older should have a blood pressure test at least once every 2 to 5 years.
  • People aged 40 and older, as well as younger people with an increased risk of hypertension, should have a test once a year.
  • If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you should have it checked more regularly, according to your healthcare practitioner’s guidance.

Know your numbers: The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa provides a guide to help you understand blood pressure reading.6

Managing Hypertension with comra therapyExercise regularly: Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, cycling or swimming benefits the heart and helps to control blood pressure.7

Reduce sodium (salt) in your diet): Higher sodium intake can lead to elevated blood pressure. Cut out unnecessary salt from your diet, by eating fewer processed foods and choosing low-sodium products.7

Follow a heart-healthy diet plan: Speak to a professional dietitian about a suitable eating plan for managing chronic hypertension, such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) plan or the Mediterranean diet.7

Add potassium to your diet: Potassium is a mineral found in numerous fresh fruits and vegetables, known for lessening the effect sodium has on blood pressure.7

Limit alcohol intake: Drinking alcohol can increase blood pressure and interfere with some blood pressure medications.7

Quit smoking: Smoking cigarettes raises your blood pressure, in addition to causing many other health issues.7

Get enough sleep: Poor quality sleep can also contribute to hypertension. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about creating a healthy sleep schedule.7
Reduce stress: Chronic stress levels will raise your blood pressure over time. Use relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises to keep stress in check.7 (Exercising regularly can also help to reduce your stress levels.)

NOTE: coMra is a powerful modality. The uses described above are those recommended by the coMra User Guide. Experience over 10 years has shown that in the case of most chronic conditions, treatments can also be spread out to once or twice per week, without taking the breaks outlined in the guide.


1 Peer N, Uthman OA, Kengne AP. Rising prevalence, and improved but suboptimal management, of hypertension in South Africa: A comparison of two national surveys. Global Epidemiology. 2021;3:100063..2 In-depth: Hypertension – South Africa’s “silent killer”. Spotlight. 20213 Southern African Hypertension Society. 20224 coMra User Guide5 Blood pressure test. Mayo Clinic. 2022.6 Blood pressure. The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa. 2020.7 10 Ways to control high blood pressure without medication. Mayo Clinic. 2022.