Poor circulation is bad for your heart and dangerous to your overall health. During the coldest time of the year, it’s especially important to look after your circulatory system. This is one of many reasons that your coMra device is such an invaluable ally for winter health and wellness.

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We’ve all heard the old saying “cold hands, warm heart”, but poor circulation is actually bad news for your heart and your overall health.1 During the coldest time of the year, it’s especially important to look after your circulatory system – and this is one of many reasons that your coMra device is such an invaluable ally for winter health and wellness.

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Cold weather causes your arteries and veins to constrict, which decreases blood flow, raises your blood pressure and can also reduce the amount of oxygen your heart is getting.1,2 If you already have a heart condition, poor circulation can exacerbate the problem.1,2

When you consider that winter is also a time when we tend to exercise less and eat more, in addition to this strain on your circulatory system, it’s no wonder that heart attacks are more likely to occur during the colder months.1-3


If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms recently, they could be your body’s way of warning you that your circulation is sluggish and needs a boost:4

  • Cold hands and feet
  • Numbness or tingling (“pins and needles”) in hands and feet
  • Stiff, sore joints
  • Muscle cramping
  • Pale or blueish skin tone on your hands, feet, lips, nose and ears


coMra treatments work best in combination with a heart-healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips for improving your circulation while using coMra protocols:5

  • Exercise regularly. Just 30 minutes of mild to moderate exercise a day will improve your circulation and benefit your heart. Remember to warm up properly beforehand and cool down afterwards, to prevent injury or strain. It’s also important to dress in layers, which you can take off as your muscles warm up and put back on after cooling down.
  • Stretch. Be sure to stretch regularly during the day, especially if you sit at a desk all day. Basic stretches improve blood flow to your organs and tissues.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water promotes healthy circulation and helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to your body’s cells. It also helps to stabilise blood pressure and regulate body temperature.
  • Add more omega-3 to your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids support heart health and improve circulation. These nutrients can be found in fatty fish, fish oil, flax seeds, walnuts and kale.
  • Treat yourself to a massage. Getting a massage has physical and mental health benefits. Massages ease aches and pains, and boost your circulation by moving blood and lymph fluid more effectively through your limbs. They’re also great for relieving stress, which can have a big impact on heart health.


blood-circulation-2There are numerous coMra treatments you can use at home to support your circulatory system and take better care of your heart.

  • CARDIOLOGY 1 and 2 are the ideal coMra protocols for strengthening your heart muscle and managing a range of cardiovascular conditions.
  • NEUROLOGY 1 treats cerebral blood circulation disorders and strokes. It can also be used together with CARDIOLOGY 2 to treat ischemia (deficient blood supply to the brain).
  • UNIVERSAL 2 (HEART) is a great Universal protocol for the winter months, as it helps to boost the immune system and improve coronary blood flow.
  • UNIVERSAL 3 (BLOOD) targets key points on major arteries to improve your wellbeing on a systemic level. It is also effective in treating anaemia.
  • UNIVERSAL 5 (SOMATIC BIOSTIMULATION 2) can treat a weak heart and ease breathing difficulties, making it a useful protocol for cold and ‘flu season. If you’re struggling with stress or seasonal depression, this protocol also helps with emotional exhaustion, burnout, insomnia and adrenal dysfunction.
  • UNIVERSAL 7 (NERVOUS SYSTEM) supports the heart and treats breathing difficulties, as well as nervous conditions and neurological disorders (including stress and emotional exhaustion).

Read more about coMra’s protocols for heart health.

NOTE: coMra is a powerful modality. The uses described above are those recommended by the coMra User Guide. Experience over 10 years has shown that in the case of most chronic conditions, treatments can also be spread out to once or twice per week, without taking the breaks outlined in the guide.