A holistic health practitioner recently shared an inspiring story of how powerful coMra therapy can be. Find out how coMra is helping a patient to regain her vision after a surgical procedure that affected her eyesight.

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Dr Carli Clark, a holistic health practitioner, recently shared an inspiring story of how powerful coMra therapy can be. Her patient had lost her vision completely following a surgical procedure to remove a tumour. Here’s a look at how coMra therapy is helping this patient to gradually regain her vision.

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Studies show that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can improve visual acuity, colour vision and central scotoma (blind spots).1 It’s been used to treat patients with eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration.2 It also effectively treats retinal injuries, optic neuropathy and trauma to the optic nerve.3

Dr Clark’s patient started coMra therapy in March 2023. She received the following coMra treatments:4

  • UNIVERSAL 3 (BLOOD) and NEUROLOGY 14 protocols once a week
  • Localised treatments of the upper back, neck and shoulders
  • Localised treatments to the eye area, treating the remaining part of the tumour

More about these protocols:5

UNIVERSAL 3 (BLOOD): This is a core Universal treatment for supporting the body and promoting overall vitality. It targets key points on the major arteries, boosting microcirculation and improving the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen.

Read more about coMra Universal treatments.

NEUROLOGY 14: This is a protocol for treating optic neuropathy (nerve damage) and diseases of the eye.

Read more about coMra treatments for eye health.


Restoring-Eye-HealthThe patient’s experience in her own words:4
“I was diagnosed with a glaucoma tumour in 2009. Neurosurgeons were able to surgically remove 95% of a deep-brain tumour. Unfortunately due to the tumour and treatment itself, I lost my eyesight and went completely blind. I was told there was no cure for my blindness, and I would never see again.

I refused to accept the doctor’s diagnosis and I refused to give up.

I had another full eye examination in 2021 where it was confirmed that my corneas were healthy but that I had optic nerve damage, damage to the optic nerve from the tumour and surgery resulting in blindness.

After years of research and trying out numerous assistive technologies for the visually impaired I finally came across coMra therapy. I had my first coMra therapy session on the 2nd of March 2023 with Dr Clark. I went off all pain medication within the first two sessions as I no longer experienced any pain and muscle tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders. I started noticing definite changes and improvements after the third session.

When I lost my sight, I even lost the ability to see light. However, after 11 sessions for the first time in 14 years I am now able to see the brightness of the sun and the angle it is shining from. I can see when a light is on in a room. I have had glimpses of the stripes on my cat. I have seen hands and fingernails, the rim of coffee cups and so much more. When I concentrate, I am able to see something lying on the floor. These are all new changes in my eyesight and new experiences for me.

I know I still have a way to go but every coMra session I have brings me new hope as I experience improved changes in my eyesight. I get super excited each week to share my new experiences with Dr Clark.” – Bronwyn

Dr Clark’s comments:4
“By treatment 14, Bronwyn started seeing colour for the first time in 14 years! Bronwyn is now able to distinguish between dark brown, chocolate brown and black; by treatment 16 she started seeing other colours including white and red. For the average person being able to see these small things probably means nothing, but for Bronwyn these are major life changes!” – Dr Carli Clark D. Ms.

NOTE: coMra is a powerful modality. The uses described above are those recommended by the coMra User Guide. Experience over 10 years has shown that in the case of most chronic conditions, treatments can also be spread out to once or twice per week, without taking the breaks outlined in the guide.