Asthma is the most common chronic illness among South African children and the country is ranked 25th in the world for asthma prevalence.1 Now a powerful treatment is available to help children and adults to cope with the symptoms of asthma.

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What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways. It can be mild or severe.2

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy

Common asthma symptoms include:2

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Chest pain
  • Coughing and wheezing

Asthma may interfere with exercise, sleep or other daily activities.2

There are a number of potential asthma causes (triggers) that vary from one person to the next. Asthma may be triggered by airborne allergens, food allergens, air pollutants, stress or even certain medications.2


coMra therapy uses a combination of low-level laser therapy with the healing radiances of colour and magnetism, as well as ultrasound (in the coMra Delta) to treat a wide array of acute and chronic health conditions.

Here are the coMra protocols you can use to help with the symptoms of asthma. These treatments can all be done using the compact and convenient coMra Palm, which is easy for adults and children to use at home.


  • Always rest for five to ten minutes after a treatment session that includes the head or heart area.
  • Never use a frequency other than 5 Hz when treating the heart area.

For more information on how coMra works, read this How It Works guide.


The PULMONOLOGY 2 (LUNGS) treatment program is designed to help restore lung function and relieve the symptoms of asthma. Each session takes about 23 minutes and can be done using the coMra Palm or coMra Delta.

Apply the treatment once daily for 15 days and repeat this cycle every 3 weeks until you notice an improvement in the symptoms.


The UNIVERSAL 3 (BLOOD) program builds up the strength of your entire system and promotes overall wellness. This treatment can be done using the coMra Palm or Delta.

Apply the treatment once every second day for 20 days. Rest for two weeks and then repeat the course. Repeat every six months. Each treatment session takes 10 minutes.


The UNIVERSAL 5 (SOMATIC BIOSTIMULATION ROUTINE 2) helps with breathing difficulties, relieves stress and eases emotional exhaustion.

Physical conditions like asthma often take an emotional toll, and it’s important to look after your mental wellbeing as well as treating your physical symptoms. UNIVERSAL 5 is a great way to do this, providing gentle and effective holistic support for your body and mind.

Apply this 23-minute treatment twice a day until your symptoms improve, then continue the treatment for seven more days. Allow two weeks rest and then repeat the course if needed. You can use the coMra Palm or Delta.


coMra therapy provides excellent support for chronic conditions like asthma. However, it’s important to take a holistic approach to your day-to-day wellbeing, including your diet, exercise routine and stress management habits. This can help to prevent worsening symptoms, complications and attacks.

Nutrition plays a vital role in the prevention and treatment of asthma. A diet that’s high in plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) but low in meat and dairy products can reduce the risk and severity of asthma.3

Studies show that regular moderate physical activity helps to improve the symptoms of asthma.4 Exercise also helps to relieve stress and tension, which is good news as high-stress levels can exacerbate asthma symptoms.5

Read more about the basics of coMra treatment to find out how the right protocols can improve your quality of life and help you breathe easy.


1 The Global Asthma Report 2018. Auckland, New Zealand: Global Asthma Network, 2018. ISBN: 978-0-473-46524-7.
2 Asthma – symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic, 2020.3 Alwarith J, Kahleova H, Crosby L, et al. The role of nutrition in asthma prevention and treatment. Nutrition Reviews, Volume 78, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 928–938.
4 Jaakkola JJK, Aalto SAM, Hernberg S, et al. Regular exercise improves asthma control in adults: A randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports volume 9, 2019. Article number: 12088.
5 Chen E, Miller GE. Stress and inflammation in exacerbations of asthma. Brain Behav Immun. 2007 Nov; 21(8): 993–999.