Pregnant women and new Moms will be glad to know that coMra therapy offers amazing benefits for pregnancy and birth as well as post-partum recovery. coMra Therapy is a remarkable tool for pregnant mums and midwives and offers many benefits for the challenges faced around childbirth. We speak to Natasha Stadler, an independent midwife, about her experience using coMra therapy with her clients.

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comra therapy and pregnancyNatasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

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coMra is a combined laser, colour, magnetism and (in the Delta) ultrasound treatment that works at cellular level to help the body heal and regenerate. You can find out more by reading our coMra 101 blog post.

Scroll down for a video interview with Natasha Stadler

Some of the most noticeable areas that she’s seen significant changes in include the following:

  • Healing of sutures: suture lines usually take up to 10 days to heal. With the use of coMra therapy, Natasha has noted a healing period of as little as 3 to 5 days
  • Breastfeeding challenges: Many moms encounter difficulties with establishing breastfeeding and can experience sensitive or painful nipples, engorged breasts and difficulty with milk flow. Use of coMra therapy has shown very rapid and obvious results – even as little as one treatment per day for 2 to 3 days can heal nipples and regulate milk flow.
  • Preparation for birth: coMra therapy is extremely beneficial in assisting expecting moms to optimise their energy levels and prepare their bodies for labour and birth. It can also aid in alleviating back pain or other chronic pain.
  • Post-partum recovery: coMra therapy aids the body with the overall return to normal state and functioning, including muscular strength and movement. It also assists greatly in balancing emotional and psychological difficulties which are common for new mothers.

cmra therapy for birthNatasha recalls the story of a young first-time mom who very much wanted to breastfeed. Unfortunately, she experienced extreme challenges with painful and bleeding nipples during every feed. Within 2 days of coMra treatments, she was able to tolerate feeding, and within one week, had no complaints whatsoever. The normal recovery period is typically much longer.

She also has assisted several moms who’ve experienced pain or discomfort with badly done sutures from previous births, and the coMra therapy treatment is able to greatly improve the scar tissue and significantly decrease pain.

coMra therapy has been an invaluable support and aid for Natasha’s clients and she continues to explore ways that the therapy can be used. Not only is it helpful during pregnancy and immediately post-partum for mom, but it is also hugely beneficial for baby. coMra treatment on little ones experiencing colic or digestive difficulties, especially in the first few weeks as the milk settles and feeding is established, has shown to be greatly effective in providing relief and assisting the new digestive system to achieve proper functioning.

In summary, here are a few of the ways that coMra therapy can help during pregnancy and birth1

  • Soothe back ache during pregnancy and labour, and after birth
  • Relieve pelvic pain from ligament strain
  • Heal perineal tears faster
  • Promote healing post-surgery: faster healing, minimising of infection risk and scarring after C-section
  • Soothe and heal cracked & painful nipples, treat mastitis and hypogalactia

CoMra-Therapy has many other applications for health challenges women experience in their reproductive years, such as relief from the symptoms of cystitis, non-drug treatment of menstrual pain, faster healing of vaginal infections and trauma (with the probe terminal on the Delta), balancing hormones during menopause and relief from migraines and headaches.2