Winter is that time of year in Europe when respiratory infections, colds and flu are common. coMra therapy offers powerful support for your immune system to deal with the increased threat or presence of illness.

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Preventative and Acute Treatments

Over the past year, in response to enquiries, additional treatment protocols have been added to the coMra User Guide that specifically address preventative immune support as well as seasonal infections, COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms.

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy

Below are the key protocols that you need to know about to help keep you strong and healthy this season.

Immunology 6

immunolgy 6This is a preventative treatment program designed to aid the body in strengthening against potential acute respiratory infection. This includes influenza (flu), the common cold and COVID-19.

Plan 1 – For those without chronic disease.

Apply each treatment once daily for 12 days and repeat this cycle every 3 months.

  • Apply Universal 2 (Heart)
  • Apply Universal 3 (Blood)

Plan 2 – For the elderly and those with chronic disease

Apply each treatment daily, as indicated per treatment, for 12 days followed by a 2-week rest and then another 12-day course. Then repeat this cycle every 3 months.

  • Apply Universal 2 (Heart) – twice daily
  • Apply Universal 3 (Blood) – once daily
  • Apply Universal 4 (Somatic Bio-stimulation 1) – as directed in the Universal 4 instructions

Immunology 7

immunolgy 7This protocol is designed for those who have contracted an acute condition, such as the flu or cold, or respiratory infections.

  • Apply Universal 3 (Blood)– every 4 hours except during sleep
  • Apply Universal 2 (Heart) – twice daily

Depending on the other symptoms presenting, you should also apply one or more of the following treatments:

  • For respiratory symptoms: Pulmonology 1
  • For headaches: Universal 1 (Head)
  • For a runny nose: Otorhinolaryngology 1
  • For a sore throat: Otorhinolaryngology 8

Apply the protocols until improvement is noticed then continue for 7 days thereafter. Allow 2 weeks rest and repeat course for 14 days.

Immunology 8

immunolgy 8This is a protocol designed to treat the persistent symptoms that often present after being infected with the COVID-19 virus – commonly referred to as Long COVID symptoms.

  • Apply Universal 3 (Blood) – twice daily
  • Apply Universal 5 (Somatic Bio-stimulation 2) – once daily
  • Treat each side of the thyroid gland for 2 minutes at 50Hz
  • Continue to apply any additional treatments where local symptoms persist (for example, sore throat, runny nose etc)

Continue this protocol while symptoms persist and then allow 2 weeks rest. Follow this with the Universal 6 (Vitality) treatment protocol.

comra holistic approachRemember to incorporate holistic support into your daily recovery or preventative approach. This includes a healthy and nourishing diet and plenty of pure, fresh water, and some form of physical movement or exercise.

coMra therapy will assist in providing your body with the vital energy needed to fight infections and restore overall health and well-being.

Stay warm and healthy this winter!