Globally, COVID-19 is still very much a pressing concern. A recent journal article, co-authored by Dr Arzhan Surazakov1, looks at the role biophysical radiances can play in the treatment of COVID-19 and its long-term effects on the body.

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Since not everyone that becomes infected with the COVID-19 virus gets seriously ill, the outcome of the disease depends not only on pathogen virulence but also on how effective the defences of the host organism are.2 Our defence system is our immune system, which is a complex and highly adaptive system that requires significant energy resources to function optimally. A number of researchers have proposed that the severity of COVID-19 is driven by functional exhaustion and a decrease in the number of lymphocytes.3,4,5

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When our bodies encounter a new pathogen, the adaptive immune response quickly ramps up its energy usage for cell growth and proliferation of virus-specific T- and B-lymphocytes. This rapid increase in energy requirements of an activated immune system places enormous strain on the whole organism and we experience this as extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, increased blood coagulation, amongst other symptoms. The affected systems are specifically selected and down-regulated to free up more energy for the immune system to do its work. What this means, is that our ability to fight an infection or pathogen not only depends on the inherent properties of the immune system, but also on the functional reserve, or tolerance limits, of the whole organism.

covid19In a relatively healthy individual the extra energy expenditure induced by the immune response to a COVID-19 or other infection could be well within the functional reserve of the body, and they would successfully fight the pathogen and recover. In individuals who have chronic infections, autoimmune conditions, or suffer from extreme psychological distress, their functional reserves are already quite low, meaning that there is less energy available to the activated immune system, which will then be less effective at clearing out the infection. “In COVID-19, the failure of adaptive immunity to contain infection rapidly leads to an uncontrolled viral spread that provokes secondary pathological hyperactivation of innate immunity (cytokine storm), acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute injury to the heart, kidneys, other organs and, finally, death.”6


Biological work requires energy. A cell absorbs energy from the environment in bulk form, such as glucose, and then converts it into a usable form through synthesis of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Since the early 1980s numerous studies have shown increased intracellular ATP synthesis after irradiation with low-level infrared laser. Increased efficiency of ATP synthesis means there is more available energy for cell function, even under unfavourable conditions of glucose or oxygen deficiencies or increased functional load (as in the case of an infection).

By utilising Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or Magnetic Infrared Laser Therapy (MILT) in the early stages of infection, it is possible to enhance a more rapid and effective immune response, resulting in a shorter duration of inflammation, less immune-related tissue damage and shorter recovery time.7 For those individuals recovering from COVID-19, such treatment may offer significant benefits in terms of regeneration of organs and systems that have sustained inflammation-related damage.

coMra therapy combines Low-level Laser Therapy with the healing radiances of colour, magnetism and (in the Delta) ultrasound to deliver a powerful combination of biophysical radiances. Read our coMra 101 blog and How it Works: coMra therapy blog for more on how it works.

coMra therapy is a safe and non-invasive technology that can significantly support the immune system. Below are some recommended protocols that can be used in the treatment of active cases of infection or as a preventative and a method of boosting the immune system.


Each of these treatments should be applied once per day for 12 days.

Immune support 1: Preventative program for an individual without chronic diseases and below 50 years old.

  • Universal 2
  • Universal 3

Immune support 2: Preventative program for an individual with chronic diseases, over 50 years old, with high risk of infection.

  • Universal 2
  • Universal 6

Note that the immune system’s functional reserves will start increasing after the first 2-3 days of treatments and will peak by the 6th-9th day of the preventative program. The elevated immune status will persist for another 10-14 days and will gradually start to decrease during the next 14-60 days. This means that one preventative program is generally sufficient for about 3 months.


univ3Immune support 3

  • Universal 3 – every 4 hours except during sleep time
  • Universal 2 – once a day
  • In case of headache add Universal 1 once or twice per day
  • In case of respiratory symptoms add Pulmonology 1 once or twice per day
  • In case of runny nose add Otorhinolaryngology 1 once or twice per day
  • In case of sore throat add Otorhinolaryngology 8 once or twice per day

Apply these treatments until your condition significantly improves. Then continue with Immune support 1 for another week to maintain a healthy and strong immune system.