True wellness is about building self-sufficiency and supporting your body’s own innate healing abilities. Light therapy expert Dr Arzhan Surazakov talks about how coMra therapy can take us from “fighting disease” to “building health”.

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“Health is a state of harmony. It’s a state of coherence, when everything that a human being is composed of comes together and interacts in harmonious balance.” Dr Arzhan Surazakov, Head of Research & Development at Radiant Life Technologies, believes that true wellness is about promoting harmony in the cells and building self-sufficiency in patients.

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Dr Surazakov recently spoke to Garrett Murrin, the North American Regional Manager at Radiant Life Technologies, about the ways coMra works to create harmony in the cells and helps more people to take control of their wellbeing. Here are a few key points from this insightful interview.1


Light therapy doesn’t simply treat the symptoms of an illness or injury – it helps the body to heal on a cellular level, promoting regeneration by stimulating the body’s own innate healing capabilities. Because of this, many patients notice added benefits like improved energy levels, better quality sleep and better digestion after using a coMra light therapy device to treat an unrelated condition.

The low-intensity radiances from coMra don’t target and kill bacteria or viruses in the body. Rather, they target the cells that need healing, and help these cells to perform better. So, we can say that light therapy isn’t about “fighting disease”, but rather about “supporting wellness”.

Dr Surazakov is calling for a 180-degree paradigm shift in the way healthcare providers and patients think about healing. This would mean moving the focus from the problem of disease management to the practice of building an approach that encourages coherency. “Light is aimed not at the disease, but at health”, says Dr Surazakov. coMra light therapy does address the problem of disease, but more than that, it promotes self-sufficiency and allows more individuals to take charge of their own wellness. This shift will help to truly unfold the potential of light-based therapies.

The major achievement of coMra therapy is that it takes different radiances and combines them in a coherent way, to help the body reach a far more effective level of coherence. Dr Surazakov compares it to an orchestra or a sports team, where every member of the group must be perfectly in sync with the others. How does coMra do this?1


The coMra Delta device provides four different radiances in one device, delivering a combination of infrared laser, ultrasound, magnetism and colour LEDs.

coMra-deltacoMra harmonises the flow of:

  1. Energy,
  2. Information, and
  3. Matter.


The laser and magnetism radiances from coMra stimulate the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cells’ mitochondria. ATP is an organic compound that provides the energy behind many important processes in the cells. Essentially, it’s the “energy currency” of the cells. Once the cells have more energy available (i.e., more ATP), they’ll be able to function more effectively.2 This applies to any type of cell in the body – immune cells, nerve cells, endocrine cells, muscle cells and more.1

Your cells inherently “know” what function they need to perform, and coMra gives them the energy to carry out their functions properly, especially in times when you’re dealing with an illness or injury and those cells are struggling to function.1


Harmonious cycles of activity are the key to building up health. This includes periods of physical activity, mental activity, rest and sleep. These cycles must be properly balanced for a healthy body and mind. The colour therapy component of coMra (the sequence of red, blue and yellow lights) delivers information to the cells to help offset any imbalance and properly harmonise the cycles of activity and rest.1


Introducing a gentle vibration helps to stimulate a diseased or weakened cell into a healthy rhythm of activity. The ultrasound component of coMra delivers a microscopic level of vibration, just enough to activate the fluid inside the cells.1

By delivering these three flows in a coherent combination, coMra helps your cells to reach a better level of coherence and repair themselves more efficiently.

coMra is easy to use at home, and can safely be used as a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for all sorts of acute and chronic conditions. As more people discover how to use coMra, they become empowered to take control of their health, playing a more active role in their wellness rather than passively relying on their doctors, and relieving some of the burden on the healthcare system.

Dr Surazakov and his colleagues aim to help more people take a proactive approach to building health and enjoy a better quality of life.1


Bringing Healing to Light. Interview with International Light Association, Dr Arzhan Surazakov and Garrett Murrin.
Dunn J, Grider MH. Physiology, adenosine triphosphate. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2023.