coMra has a range of pediatric protocols to help little ones recover faster from illnesses and enjoy better health. Find out more about coMra’s protocols for kids up to the age of 10.
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From colds to colic, your little ones’ health problems are sure to keep you up at night. Thanks to the power of coMra’s low level laser therapy (LLLT), you can rest a little easier, with a range of pediatric protocols that are designed to help them recover faster and enjoy better health.
These are coMra’s protocols for kids up to the age of 10.
Children’s immune systems are less developed than those of adults, making it harder for them to fight off infections. They also tend to have more close contact with others, and are more likely to do things like put their fingers in their mouths. This makes them susceptible to picking up germs from their classmates.1
The time spent at daycare or school exposes your child to a host of germs, which they inevitably bring home in the form of coughs, colds and respiratory infections.
Here’s how coMra can help:2
- PEDIATRICS 1 treats lowered immunity in infants and children under the age of 1 year.
- PEDIATRICS 2 boosts immunity in children aged 1 to 10 years.
These protocols are ideal for children who get frequent respiratory diseases.
- PEDIATRICS 3 treats colic, gas, constipation and diarrhoea.2
- PEDIATRICS 4 treats kids’ urinary tract infections and kidney diseases. It can also help with bed-wetting.2
Find full instructions for use in the latest coMra User Guide.
coMra Pediatrics can also help with more serious conditions, such as cerebral palsy (CP) and child development problems.
A powerful example of this is the use of coMra at a children’s rehabilitation centre in Ukraine. coMra is used to treat CP and a variety of other conditions, including:3
- Central nervous system damage
- Genetic diseases of the central nervous system
- Musculoskeletal damage
- Paralytic syndrome
- Scoliosis
- Deformations of limbs
- Mental development disorders
- Psychological disorders
- Rehabilitation after fractures and traumas
This is just one example from the centre showing how coMra can change a child’s life:3
“A girl with flaccid lower paresis after poliomyelitis had a severe movement disorder (no reliance on the feet, no crawling, and sitting only while relying on support from her hands). After 2 courses of coMra therapy combined with kinesiotherapy and massage, the child started to rely on her feet, was able to stand with some help, and got up on her own while using a bigger object as support. The therapy in her case consisted of 2 treatments a day for 21 days, with a break of 3 weeks between courses.”
Read more: Successful Role of coMra-Therapy in Rehabilitation Centres for Children.
A cute little girl and her mother are washing their hands. Protection against infections and viruses.
Encourage your child to practise good hygiene, so they can avoid catching bugs or spreading germs to others. Here’s some healthy advice you can give them:
Wash your hands well with soap and water, before eating, after using the toilet and after touching any dirty surfaces.4
- When washing your hands, count slowly to 20 or sing the alphabet song.4
- Avoid touching your face or putting your fingers in your mouth and nose.4
- Cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or into the crook of your elbow, not into your hands.4
- Don’t share personal items like water bottles, earphones or lip balm.4
- Drink plenty of water and eat fruits and veggies to stay healthy.4,5
Remember, it’s also important to keep your child home from school when they’re unwell, to avoid spreading their illness to their classmates.4
Trust coMra to help keep your whole family healthy, from babies and kids to teens and adults.
NOTE: coMra is a powerful modality. The uses described above are those recommended by the coMra User Guide. Experience over 10 years has shown that in the case of most chronic conditions, treatments can also be spread out to once or twice per week, without taking the breaks outlined in the guide.
1 A child’s health is the public’s health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
2 coMra user guide. coMra
3 Successful role of comra-therapy in rehabilitation centres for children. coMra Life Community
4 9 tips to keep your kids germ-free at school. University Hospitals
5 10 personal hygiene habits you should teach your kids. Training Express