If you’re among the estimated 40% of South Africans1 struggling with hay fever this spring, you can use your coMra device to quickly and easily relieve your symptoms at home.

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Banish Seasonal Allergies and Breathe Easy with These User-Friendly coMra Treatments

South Africans are enjoying the first days of spring, but for many of us, the season means dealing with hay fever and pollen allergies.

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DID YOU KNOW? It’s estimated that as many as 40% of South Africans suffer from allergic rhinitis (hay fever).1

Allergies like hay fever are triggered by irritants (allergens) in the air, such as dust, pollen and spores.2

Common symptoms of hay fever include:2

  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Red itchy eyes
  • Sore throat
  • Itching in the nose, throat and/or ears
  • Dark under-eye circles
  • Fatigue

Seasonal allergies may also affect your skin, causing itching and rashes.3

This spring, don’t let allergies get you down. There are a number of coMra treatment protocols you can use in the comfort of your own home, to relieve the irritation and discomfort of hay fever and other common allergies.


coMra stands for “coherence achieved through Modulation of different radiances”. The devices use low-level laser therapy to treat a variety of health complaints and improve overall wellness. Clinical trials have shown that LLLT can significantly reduce the symptoms of hay fever, improving the quality of life for those affected by it.4

These are the coMra protocols you can use for hay fever and other allergies – not just in spring but all year round. These protocols are suitable for the coMra Delta or the compact coMra Palm, which is ideal for at-home use.

Note: Treatments that include the inside of the nasal passages require the Delta Probe Terminal with Extended Sheath, which is available as a separate attachment for the coMra Delta, but not the Palm. The Delta Probe Terminal is used by those looking to treat internal conditions. If you don’t have the Probe Terminal, you can still complete the other parts of these treatments using the Delta or the Palm.


The OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 7 treatment program assists with conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat. This is a 16-minute daily treatment protocol that targets your sinuses and nasal passages, helping to relieve the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections and sinus inflammation.

Use once daily for 15 days; allow 3 weeks rest and repeat the course if needed.

Important: Always keep your eyes closed during this treatment.


For nasal inflammation caused by allergies such as hay fever, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 7 is especially effective when combined with the UNIVERSAL 2 and 3 treatments. These protocols help you to build up your defences against allergies and other common conditions by strengthening your immune system. They are also recommended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections, such as colds and flu.



This quick and simple treatment is helpful for all types of nasal inflammation (known as rhinitis).

OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 1 targets your nostrils and tonsils. Follow the 12-minute treatment once daily for 15 days; allow 3 weeks rest and repeat if needed. If you do not have the Probe terminal you may also find some relief by repeating point 1 further up the nose on the outside.


To ease the itching and discomfort of troublesome skin allergies, try the DERMATOLOGY 1 treatment protocol using the coMra Delta or Palm.

  • This is a 37-minute treatment, to be done twice a day for 15 days.
  • After 15 days, allow for 3 weeks rest and then repeat every 3 months if needed.

For best results, combine UNIVERSAL 3 with UNIVERSAL 4 (SB-1). This somatic biostimulation routine is especially useful as a restorative treatment when you’re feeling worn out and run down. You can use the coMra Delta or Palm.

DID YOU KNOW? Asthma sufferers can also use coMra therapy to manage their symptoms. Find out which protocols are helpful for asthma.


There is unfortunately no immediate cure for hay fever, but here are some smart tips you can use this spring to keep your symptoms to a minimum.5

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses when you go out, to stop pollen and other irritants from getting into your eyes.
  • Use a humidifier or air filter at home or in your office, to reduce the presence of allergens in the air.
  • Take a warm shower and change your clothes after going out, to get rid of pollen particles.
  • If you’re going out into an area that’s high in pollen, put a small dab of petroleum jelly around your nostrils, to trap pollen before it gets into your nose or sinuses.
  • Vacuum and wash the surfaces in your home regularly, to get rid of dust, pollen, mold and other allergens.

Curious about the basics of coMra devices? Read the HOW IT WORKS guide.


1 Spotlight. Seasonal sniffles: How a new pollen tracking effort can help manage allergies in South Africa. Dec 2020.
2 Netcare Hospitals South Africa. Understanding and managing allergic rhinitis. Oct 2019.3 Faris, S. Do you have a rash from hay fever? Healthline. Sep 2018. . 3 Jung HJ, Chung YJ, Choi YS, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of low-level laser therapy in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J. Clin. Med. Feb 2021.3 National Health Service UK. Hay fever. Feb 2021.