There is growing evidence that shows how coMra devices can be used to help with the healing of acute injuries like broken bones.1,2 In fact, one of the directors of Radiant Life Technologies has experienced it for himself.

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Low-Level Laser Therapy Helps to Heal & restore Bones

According to research by medical professionals: “Low intensity laser therapy can accelerate bone healing in extraction sites, bone fracture defects and distraction osteogenesis, provided proper parameters were applied.”1

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Another study, which was focused on maxillofacial treatments, showed that LLLT can help to improve bone density and accelerate healing.2

Read our blog: Treating Sports Injuries with coMra Therapy. This post outlines how coMra devices can help with the recovery and regeneration of injured muscles, tendons and bones.

A Testimonial

Dr Arzhan Surazakov, Director of Research and Development at Radiant Life Technologies, recently shared his account of how coMra can be used to support the healing of fractures.

“I broke my ankle a few years back, when I was in Chile. I was climbing on the rocks and I fell maybe about two metres height on a bunch of rocks, and when I fell, I heard a loud snap. So, I was pretty sure it was a broken bone. It got all black and blue and swollen very fast.

Well, I had coMra at home. And there was no visible movement, as in actually bones getting displaced. So, I felt it’s actually unnecessary to go to hospital, so I used only coMra at home.

I had Delta and I treated myself, for the first three or four days, maybe up to six times per day, because I didn’t want to take any painkillers. And coMra was totally sufficient. So, I would put it mostly directly on that painful spot where the skin is black and blue, where there is internal bleeding. I would put Delta there. I used five, 15, variable up to maybe 15, sometimes 20 minutes per session. And I did it maybe five, six times per day. Basically, I mostly used my sensation; when the pain was coming back, when it was throbbing and pulsating pain, I would use Delta. Pain would go down, and I’m stopping Delta. And that was the first days.”

Get more information about the coMra Delta device.

ankle injury“Later on, I treated less; maybe three times per day. Maybe 10 or 15 minutes per session. And I would treat directly the spot where it was most painful, plus maybe three or four points around it. But the bottom line, it’s very simple, very plain to use. Just put it there where it hurts the most and let it do its proper job.

And I must say, I was moving around the house – I didn’t have crutches or use my chair with the wheels to move around. Maybe two weeks, three weeks at most, I was walking around on the foot, and maybe a little bit of sensation left – I was actually fine. It healed so fast, I was surprised, actually. The painful sensations lasted – maybe pain one or two out of 10 – for several months afterwards, but I guess that’s the healing in the bone, maybe in the tendons. So, it took quite a while but I was walking just fine. And I didn’t use any braces or any special boot; just walking normally. But the first days, just used coMra as much as possible.

And also, I noticed my skin started to shed layers, but again, that’s normal because of regeneration happening so fast. The skin was peeling off like a snake. But again, I felt it’s totally normal. And that was it. So, really simple and plain to use.”


1 Kazem Shakouri S, Soleimanpour J, Salekzamani Y, et al. Effect of low-level laser therapy on the fracture healing process. Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Jan;25(1):73-7. doi: 10.1007/s10103-009-0670-7
2 Santinoni CDS, E Oliveira HFF, de Souza Batista VE, et al. Influence of low-level laser therapy on the healing of human bone maxillofacial defects: A systematic review. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. Volume 169, April 2017, Pages 83-89