Did you know that one in six South Africans lives with anxiety and/or depression?1 coMra therapy provides balancing mental health support to alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. In this article, we take you through the exact treatments coMra offers for anxiety and depression.

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Research shows that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is an effective, non-invasive treatment for mental health problems like depression.2

Download the coMra e-book for more information on coMra therapy

coMra therapy uses a combination of low-level laser therapy with the healing radiances of colour and magnetism. (The coMra Delta device also uses ultrasound.) This is a powerful combination of therapeutic treatments that helps to relieve acute and chronic health complaints affecting the body and brain.

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions in South Africa are exacerbating mental health struggles, with 33% of South Africans reporting feelings of depression during the first lockdown period.3 If you, like many South Africans today, are struggling with your mental health, know that you’re not alone and help is available. Devices like the coMra Delta and the compact hand-held coMra Palm make it easy to access LLLT treatment regularly in the privacy of your own home.

This testimonial comes from South Africa:
“I treated a man of 92 years for depression. After less than two weeks he reported that not only had his depression disappeared, but his urinary problems had also vanished.”

Here are the recommended coMra protocols to help combat the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

MENTAL HEALTH 1mental-health

These universal treatments provide overall wellness support and somatic biostimulation, easing the effects of depression and other mental health issues. The MENTAL HEALTH 1 protocol combines three treatments to help improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Apply UNIVERSAL 5 (SB-2) twice daily.

  • This treatment builds up the strength of your entire system and promotes overall wellness.
  • It can be done using the coMra Palm or Delta.
  • Each session takes 23 minutes.

This treatment is also good for relieving stress. Thanks to its actions on the central nervous system, it helps with insomnia and hormonal balancing.

universalApply UNIVERSAL 3 (BLOOD) once daily.

  • This treatment works on the blood and includes multiple benefits that circulate through the entire body.
  • It can be done using the coMra Palm or Delta.
  • Each session takes 10 minutes.

Use the UNIVERSAL 3 and 5 treatments every day until you notice an improvement, and then continue to use them for seven more days.

Allow two weeks rest and then apply UNIVERSAL 4 (SB-1).

  • This six-day treatment is designed to relieve physical exhaustion.universal-treatments
  • This somatic biostimulation routine is used on the spinal column, major arteries and organs, targeting one area per day.
  • It can be done using the coMra Palm or Delta.
  • Allow two weeks rest and repeat the course once.

After completing the three treatments in sequence, allow two weeks rest, then repeat the entire process if needed.


  • Always rest for five to ten minutes after a treatment session that includes the head or heart area.
  • Never use a frequency other than 5 Hz when treating the heart area.


mental health supportMental illnesses are complex conditions and treatment will vary from patient to patient. Seeing a counselling psychologist or joining a support group can help you to process your feelings and give you the tools you need to cope.

Find out more about the coMra devices and how to use them.


1 The South African College of Applied Psychology, 2019. The shocking state of mental health in South Africa in 2019.
2 Jinlong Chang J, Yandong Ren Y, Wang R, et al. Transcranial low-level laser therapy for depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychiatry (London), 2018.3 Nguse S, Wassenaar D. Mental health and COVID-19 in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology, 2021.